Forston Square

Fortson Square is a triangle of public land measuring 5,000 square feet and located on the southeast corner of Second Avenue and Yesler Way. Located entirely within the public right-of-way, Fortson Square is City-owned property under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT).
Working in partnership with the Chief Seattle Club and the Alliance for Pioneer Square, the City of Seattle is transforming Fortson Square into an indigenous-centered community space that features a gathering circle, native plantings, and a 25-foot welcome figure carved by Squaxin Island Tribe member Andrea Wilbur Sigo and commissioned by the Chief Seattle Club. SDOT also supports the Chief Seattle Club’s proposal to rename Fortson Square as Vi Hilbert Commons, in honor of an Upper Skagit native elder who was instrumental in the conservation of the Lushootseed culture and its language.