City Hall Park Redesign

City of Seattle has committed $2.3 million to support improvements to City Hall Park. This includes $300,000 for park enhancement and activation efforts in 2021-2023 and $2 million for the development and implementation of a City Hall Park and Vicinity Plan in 2023-2025. The City Hall Park and Vicinity Plan is envisioned as a comprehensive redesign and capital improvement strategy. The Plan will align with the NE Pioneer Square Vision + Framework, and consider City Hall Park’s neighborhood context and connections other public spaces, including Prefontaine Place and Fortson Square.
Community Survey
Coming soon! To sign up for project updates, please visit our Contact page.
Project goals for the City Hall Park and Vicinity Plan include:
Seeking out City Hall Park’s unique stories and, through the design process, creating a space that is intentionally culturally relevant and highlights urban Native and Indigenous perspectives.
Improving the site’s overall accessibility and enhancing multi-modal access to make City Hall Park the most vibrant, usable, and inclusive open space in Seattle’s downtown core.
Using the City of Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) toolkit and principles to guide a truly inclusive planning process.
Enhancing safety and the perception of safety in City Hall Park by applying Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles to ensure all park users feel welcome and safe.
Finding ways to activate park edges with an eye toward supporting small businesses and enhancing local economic development.

Learn More
Explore the following links for more information about the City Hall Park and Vicinity Plan project.

In March 2023, Seattle Parks and Recreation hired a consultant team led by the Berger Partnership to advance the development of a City Hall Park and Vicinity Plan with a focus on comprehensive community engagement and technical design work. Key project events and delivery dates are provided below:
March 2023: Parks hires the Berger Partnership to lead the development of the City Hall Park and Vicinity Plan.
June-October 2023: Community design guidance charrettes.
Spring 2024: Roll-out of three schematic design options.
Spring 2024: Public open house and community survey.
Late Spring 2024: Selection of final schematic design and capital improvement program for City Hall Park.
2024-2025: Implementation of selected design and capital improvement program.
This timeline will be updated as community engagement opportunities and other events are scheduled. To sign up for project updates, please visit our Contact page.